Dr Muhammad Usman

Academic Qualifications

PhD., Business Management Business School (AACSB accredited), University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China, 2015 to 2019

MS, Business Administration Department of Business Administration, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2011 to 2013

BBA, Business Administration IBMS The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan, 2008 to 2011


Office No.

+60 85 630100

Room No.

No. 41




Employment History

  1. Lecturer, Curtin University (AACSB accredited), Malaysia Campus (September 2024- Present)
  2. Assistant Research Fellow, Xiamen University (AACSB accredited), Fujian, China (March 2022- Feb 2024)
  3. Assistant Professor, IQRA National University, Pakistan (Nov 2020- Feb 2023)
  4. Assistant Professor, Preston University, Islamabad (Sept 2019- Oct 2020)
  5. Teaching Assistant, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing (2015-2016)
  6. Lecturer, Horizon Institute of Higher Studies, Pakistan (2014-2015)


Unit Taught 

  • Organizational Behavior
  • IHRM
  • Sustainable Global Operations


Research Interests

Organizational behavior, human resource management, and industrial & organizational psychology



Academic Journal Articles

Ghani, , Naz, S., & Usman, M (correspondent author). (2025). Seeking Helping Behaviors through Supervisory Support: An Important Role of Employee Future Focus, Current Psychology Journal. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 2.38).

Usman, M., Ghani, U., & Kiani, A. (2024). Leading towards Sustainability: Visionary Innovation Leadership’s Impact on Green Product Innovation, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 2.9).

Mehmood, K., Ullah, U., Usman, M (corresponding author)., Abbas, A., & Han, S. (2024). Despotic leadership and followers creativity: exploring the combined effects of power distance and psychological safety. BMC psychology12(1), 1-13. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 2.7).

Cheng, , Usman, M (co-principal author)., Bai. (2024). Too much of a good thing: how to buffer the unintended adverse effects of empowering leadership?, 1-31, Asia Pacific Journal of Management. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 4.9).

Ghani, U., Usman, M., & Cheng, J. (2024). Role of Professional Self-efficacy in Combating COVID-19 Crisis: Consequences for Employees Work & Wellbeing Sage Open, 14(2). SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 2.0).

Dar, , Usman, M, & Cheng, J., Ghani. U. (2022). Social undermining at workplace: How Religious faith encourages employees who are aware of their social undermining behaviors to express more guilt and perform better, Journal of Business Ethics, 187(2), 371-383. SSCI Indexed Journal (FT50, IF: 6.33).

Cheng, J., Usman, M (correspondent author)., & Bai. (2022). Can Authentic Leaders Reduce the Spread of Negative Workplace Gossip? The Roles of Subordinates’ Perceived Procedural Justice and Interactional Justice, Journal of Management & Organization, 28(1), 9-32. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 3.64).

Usman, M., Ghani. U., Cheng, J., Gul. H. & Shah. W. (2021). Social Support and Perceived Uncertainties during COVID-19: Consequences for Employees’ Wellbeing, Current Psychology, 1-12. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 2.38).

Usman, M., Liu, , Li, H., Zhang, J., Ghani, U., & Gul, H. (2021). Enabling Engine of Workplace Thriving through Servant Leadership: Moderating Role of Core Self-evaluations. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-19. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 3.64).

Usman, M., Liu, , Zhang, J., Ghani, U. & Gul, H. (2022). Why do employees struggle to thrive in the workplaces? A look at the impact of Abusive supervision. Personnel Review, 51(1), 77-97. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 3.22).

Usman, , Ghani, U., Cheng, J., Fareed, T., Iqbal, S. (2021). Does Participative Leadership Matters in Employees’ Outcomes During COVID-19? Role of Leader Behavioral Integrity. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 1585. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 4.23).

Usman, M., Mehmood, Q., Ghani, U., & Ali, Z. (2023). Does Positive Supervisory Support impede Knowledge Hiding via Psychological Ownership and Workplace Thriving? VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems ESCI Indexed Journal (IF: 2.22).

Liu, Y., Usman, M (correspondent author)., Zhang, J., & Gul, H. (2020). Making Sense of Chinese Employees Suicide Ideation: A Psychological Strain- Life Meaning Psychological Reports, 123(2), 201-223. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 1.78).

Qasim, , Usman, M (correspondent author), Ghani, U., & Ullah, K. (2022). Inclusive leadership and Helping Behaviors: Role of Employees’ Psychological Engagement and Safety, Frontiers in Psychology. 13, 888094. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 4.23).

Liu, Y., Usman, M (correspondent author), Zhang, J., Raza, J., & Gul, H. (2021). Making Sense of Chinese Employees Suicide Ideation; Does Meaning in Life Matter? OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 83(2), 212-238. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 2.60).

Ghani, U., Zhai, X., Lin, L., Ding, D., & Usman, M. (2020). Knowledge hiding in higher education: role of interactional justice and professional commitment. Higher Education, 79(2), 325-344. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 5.0).

Ghani, U., Teo, T., Li, Y., Usman, M., Islam, Z., & Gul, H. (2020). Tit for Tat: Abusive supervision and knowledge hiding: The Role of psychological contract breach and Psychological ownership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4), 1240. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 4.61).

Liu, Y., Gul, H., Zhang, J., & Usman, M. (2021). Abusive Supervision and Suicidal Ideation: The Potential Role of Meaning in Life. Deviant Behavior, 1-12. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 1.71).

Liu, Y., Gul, H., Zhang, J., & Usman, M. (2020). Abusive Supervision and Suicidal Ideation: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction. Death Studies, 1-8. SSCI Indexed Journal (IF: 4.34).

Usman, M., Ghani, U., & Gul, H. (2022). Ambidextrous Leadership and Innovative Work Behaviors: Workplace Thriving as a Mediator. Journal of Public Affairs. ESCI Indexed Journal (JCR-Q2).

Usman, M., Liu, Y., Ghani, U., & Mahmood, Q. (2023). Work-Related Curiosity: A New Lens for Understanding Employees Workplace Thriving. Evidence-based HRM, 11(4), 611-627. ESCI Indexed Journal (ABS Listed).

Rashid, , Ghani, U., Khan, K., & Usman, M. (2023). If you care I care: role of Green Human Resource Management in employees green behaviors, Cogent Business & Management 10(1). ESCI Indexed Journal (JCR-Q2).

Raza, J., Liu, Y., & Usman, M. (2018). CSR commitment of SMEs and organizational competitive differentiation:            Stakeholder     pressure,         market orientation and socioeconomic effects. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(2), e1897. ESCI Indexed Journal (JCR-Q2).

Khan, J., Usman, M., Saeed, I., Ali, A., & Nisar, H. (2022). Does workplace spirituality influence knowledge-sharing behavior and work engagement in work? Trust as a mediator. Management Science Letters, 12(1), 51-66.

Gul, H., Usman, M., Liu, Y., Rehman, Z & Jebran, K. (2018). Does the effect of power distance moderate the relation between person environments fit and job satisfaction leading to job performance? Evidence from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Future Business Journal, 4(1), 68-83. ESCI Indexed Journal (JCR-Q1).

Hussain, S., Gul, H., Usman, M., & Islam, Z. (2016). Breach of Psychological Contract, Task Performance, Workplace Deviance: Evidence from Academia in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. International Business and Management, 13(2), 12-20.

Usman, M., Gul, H., Hussain, S., & Ghani, U. (2017). Islamic Work Ethics: The Effect of Affective Commitment on Employee Job Performance, Turnover Intention and Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Journal of Business and Tourism, 63-73.

Muhammad Usman, Yuxin Liu, Bilal Shareef, & Usman Ghani. (2019). Do Abusive Leaders Influence Employees Workplace Thriving Equally? An Investigation of the Moderating Role of Core Self-evaluations. Academy of Management (AOM) Global Proceedings, Slovenia. doi/abs/10.5465/amgblproc.slovenia.2019.0183.abs.

Gul, H., Rehman, Z., Usman, M., & Hussain, S. (2015). The effect of organizational justice on employee turnover intention with the mediating role of emotional exhaustion in the banking sector of Afghanistan. International Journal of Management Sciences, 5(4), 272-285.

Conference Proceedings/ Presentations

Academy of Management (AOM) Proceedings, Chicago USA 2024. Muhammad Usman, Cheng Jin, Usman Ghani, & Naisb Dar. How and When Supervisor Job Demands Impact Downward Bullying: an Affective Events Theory Perspective

Academy of Management (AOM) Specialized Conference: Responsible Leadership in Rising Economies, Bled, Slovenia, October 23-25, 2019. Muhammad Usman, Yuxin Liu, Bilal, & Usman Ghani. Do Abusive Leaders Influence Employees Workplace Thriving Equally? An Investigation of the Moderating Role of Core Self-evaluations. Academy of Management Global Proceedings, Vol. Slovenia, No. 2019

Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Convention, Kansas City, USA: Shaping sustainable future: strengthening science, technology and humanity, October 23-27, 2018. Zhai, Usman Ghani, Muhammad Usman. Relationship of Students Knowledge Hiding Behavior and Supervisor’s Interactional Justice: Moderating role of Professional Commitment.

4th international conference on computational and social sciences, (ICCSS), Pekalongan- Indonesia, November 15-17th, 2017. Muhammad Usman, Habib Gul, Sikander Hussain, & Usman Ghani. Islamic Work Ethics: The Effect of Affective Commitment on Employee Job Performance, Turnover Intention and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.


Research Grants

Curtin Malaysia Teaching Innovation Project 2025 (CMTIP 2025) fund project


Other Academic Roles (Editorial Board/ Reviewer Academic Journals)

Member of Editorial Advisory Board of “Journal of Management Sciences” IQRA University, Karachi,

Reviewer for:

  • Human Resource Management (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • Applied Psychology: An International Review (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • Personnel Review (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • Psychological Reports (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • Current Psychology (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Management (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • Journal of Business Ethics (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • OMEGA-Journal of Death & Dying (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)
  • European Management Review (International Journal indexed in SSCI and Scopus)



Updated on: 20 February 2025