Dr Muhammad Abdullah Fazi

Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. International Law
LLM Human Right
LLB (Hons)

Office No.

+60 85 630100 ext. 2758



Room No.

No. 42, Row 3

Employment History

  1. Lecturer
    Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics
    Faculty of Business
    Curtin University Malaysia
    Aug 2022 to present
  2. Lecturer
    Faculty of Law
    Multimedia University, Malaysia
    Jun 2020 to Jun 2022
  3. Graduate Research Assistant
    University of Malaya, Malaysia
    2019- 2020

Unit Taught

  1. BLAW2006 – Company Law for Business (Semester 2022)
  2. International Law, Environmental Law, Advanced Research Methodology, Jurisprudence

Research Interests

  1. Global Human Rights Regime
  2. International Laws
  3. Law and Technology
  4. Feminist Legal Theory
  5. Islamic Jurisprudence


Academic Journal Articles

  1. Discrepancies in transgender persons (protection of rights) act, 2018: a comparative study of transgender’s rights in Pakistan and India, International Journal of Law & Management (2020) Emerald (Scopus)
  2. Enforced Disappearances and Constitutional Guarantees in Pakistan: A Human Rights Perspective, European Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.59, No3 (2020)
  3. Bangladesh’s approach towards the international criminal law: A case study of international crimes tribunal Bangladesh, Journal of Politics & Law. Vol. 12, No.3 (2019) Canadian Centre of Science and Education, Canada (WoS)
  4. Historical Background of the International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh Unveiling he Truth, Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society, (2018) The University of Punjab
  5. The right to marry in Islam: Scrutinizing customs of marriages in the Pashtun belt of Pakistan, Annual Research Journal, (2017) The University of Peshawar
  6. ICTB and violations of right to fair trial, (2017) Help University Law Review, Malaysia
  7. International Crimes Tribunal Bangladesh and violations of right to fair trial a comparative study, Maarif Research Journal (2014) Karachi
  8. Post 9/11 the U.S. immigration laws and its implications on Muslims, Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, No. 57, 2021

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

  1. Moderator: Understanding Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Background and Implications for Asia, Research Webinar 2022, Multimedia University Malaysia
  2. Moderator: Global Governance & Human Rights, Webinar 2021, Multimedia University Malaysia
  3. Presenter: An understanding of Transgender’s rights under the purview of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2018, Webinar on Global Governance and Human Rights 2021, Multimedia University, Malaysia
  4. Keynote: The lego-political context of 1971 war: answering the issue of state apology, 2021, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Pakistan
  5. Presenter: International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh, violating the international guarantees of right to fair trial. HELP University Law Conference 2018, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
  6. Presenter: Khurshid Ahmed’s perspective of Islamic education, Conference on Islamic education 2018, Marmara University Istanbul, Turkey

Industry/ Contract Research Reports

Research Projects/ Research Grants (external – internal)/ Research and Development – Competitive Research Grants

  1. IR FUND: Socio Economics Rights of Transgenders in Muslim Majority Countries: A Comparative Study of Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia
  2. SATU Joint Research Scheme JRS: Reconstructing Personal Data Protection and Information Security of Wearable Healthcare Devices under the Concept of Free Flow of Data

Supervision of Higher Degree by Research

  1. Student: Partesh Royal (contributed), PhD 2021
  2. Student: Ma Jiao (contributed), LLM 2021

Professional Affiliations

  1. Member of European Society of International Law, Italy
  2. Member of Islamabad Bar Council

Professional Certifications

  1. Certification: Human rights and international law from the European University Institute. Florence, Italy
  2. Certification: Law and Technology at University of Pavia, Italy
  3. Certification: Human Rights & Development at German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy & Governance, Thammasat University, Bangkok Thailand.
  4. Certification: Islamic Banking and Finance with the collaboration of department of Shariah and department of Islamic Banking and Finance IIUI.

Other Academic Roles (Editorial Board/ Reviewer of Academic Journal)

  1. Reviewer: Islamic Studies (2020-2023) IRI, International Islamic University
  2. Reviewer: Fikr-o-Nazar (2020-2023) IRI, International Islamic University
  3. Reviewer: International Criminal Law Review 2018-2019 Brill | Nijhoff
  4. Student Editor: University Official Magazine “SPECTRUM” 2008-2010 IIUI

Leadership and Services

1. Head of Corporate Governance Research Cluster, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia

August 2022 – Present



Updated on:  22 Sept 2022