Associate Professor Dr Goi Chai Lee
Academic Qualifications
- Graduate Certificate of Tertiary Teaching, Curtin University, Australia, 2010
- PhD Business and Management (Specialisation in Internet Marketing), Management and Science University, Malaysia, 2008
- Master of Information Technology Management, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2001
- Bachelor of Computer Science, University of Wollongong, Australia, 2000
Professional Memberships/ Certifications
- Professional Technologist (P.Tech/ Ts), Malaysia Board of Technologists
- Member, Institute of Marketing Malaysia
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK
- Member, Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
- Chartered Marketer, Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK
Google Scholar
Office No.
+60 85 630100 ext. 2764
Room No.
No. 49, Row 1
Employment History
Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia [2023 to present]
Deputy Dean of R&D and Chair of Graduate Studies [2018 – 2019]
Associate Dean, Research and Development, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Malaysia [2017 to 2018]
Head, Department of Marketing and Management, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia [2015]
Coordinator, Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia [2011]
Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia [2010 to present]
Coordinator, R&D, Faculty of Business, Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia [2009]
Coordinator, Postgraduate (Higher Degree by Research), Faculty of Business, Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia [2009 to 2010]
Lecturer, Department of Marketing ,Faculty of Business, Curtin University Sarawak Malaysia [2005 to 2009]
Unit Taught
- Managing Change
- Market and Legal Frameworks
- Enhancing Your Business Mind
- Consumer Behaviour
- Project Management Research 641 (Postgraduate unit)
- Business Capstone
- Discovering Marketing
- Internet Marketing
- Marketing Research
- Marketing Communications
- Strategic Marketing
- Public Relations
Teaching Awards
- Teaching Excellence Award 2022
Research Interests
- Consumer Behaviour
- Internet Marketing
- Social Media
- Big Data Analytics
- Educational technology
- Machine Learning
- Sustainable Development
Research Grants
- Goi, C.L (2025), From Blocks to Brains: Exploring the Role of A Lego Game in Developing Agile Thinking in An Educational Setting, Curtin Malaysia Teaching Innovation Project (CMTIP).
- Goi, C.L (2024), Beyond the Game: Unveiling Student Reflections on Gamification in Education for Fostering Graduate Capabilities, Curtin Malaysia Teaching Innovation Project (CMTIP).
- Abdullah, S.K., Chieng, F.Y.L., Goi, C.L., Khin Than Myint, Tiong, Y.Y. and Law, W.L.L. (2023), Journal Activity; a journey of classroom engagement, Curtin Malaysia Teaching Innovation Project. RM3,000.
- Chieng, F.Y.L., Ho, J.M., Goi, C.L. and Yip, K.Y. (2022), Beyond the academic curriculum: Embedding a career management program to improve the employability of Business students, Curtin Malaysia Teaching Innovation Project. RM3,000.
- Zins, A., Goi, C.L., Adeyinka Ojo, S.F., Adamu, A.A., Jimmie, A. and Sabani, N. (2022), Digital storytelling and cultural heritage-driven conceptual model for more persuasive Malaysian tourism destination promotion, FRGS, RM66,130.
- Zhang, C., Goi, C.L. and Ahsan Bhuiyan, R. (2021), A Deep Learning Based Application for Asset Pricing and Portfolio Optimization Incorporating Option Valuation, SDEC Translational Research Grant, RM85,200.
- Goi, C.L. and Goi, M.T. (2021), A Model of ‘Modernization’ for Building A Sustainable City in the Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) Era, Curtin Malaysia Collaborative Research Scheme, RM5,000.
- Ang, M.C.H., Ramayah, T., Goi, C.L., Endut, N. (2017), Emotional Labor, Work Intensification, Work-life Balance and Intention to Leave: Uncovering the Experience of Academics in Malaysian Universities through a Gender Lens, USM Short-term grant, RM25,930.
- Ho, P., Goi, C.L. and Ng, P.Y., Research Projects on the Governance of Local Agenda 21 (RM20000) and Say No to Plastic Bags 3.0 Campaign (RM30000). Funded by Miri City Council.
- Goi, C.L. and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2014), Perception of Customers on Bintang MegaMall: Study on Customer Profiles, Marketing Mix, Shopping Behaviour and Patterns, Bintang MegaMall, Miri. (RM8000)
- Ho, P.P.L., Goi, C.L., Lew, T.Y., Tang, F.E. and Ho, C. (2012), Sustainable Development: A case study of Miri City Council’s green initiatives, Miri City Council. (RM30000)
- Chieng, F.Y.L., Ho, P.P.L. and Goi, C.L. (2011), The Influence of Macro-environment Forces on Transport Sustainability: A Case in Malaysia, East Asian Development Network (EADN). (US$9,2000)
- Abdullah, S.K., Ho, P.P.L., Goi, C.L., Chieng, F.Y.L., Nee, P.H. and Urud, A. (2011), Study on Remuneration Packages of Indonesian General Workers and Recruitment Costs of Employers in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, Consultancy project funded by Sarawak Timber Association. (RM125000)
Academic Journal Articles
- Renganathan, T.S., Goi, M.T. and Goi, C.L. (2025), Social media influencer attributes and purchase of counterfeit fashion goods: Self-determination as a mediator, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 1–24.
- Goi, C.L., Ngu, I.Y. and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2024), Navigating the digital landscape: social media’s influence on luxury brand equity and purchase intention, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Lim, A., Goi, C.L., Dell, P. and Goi, M.T. (2024), Generation Y’s behavioural usage of small businesses’ retail websites: gender difference, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, Vol. 15 No. 6, pp. 1202-1222.
- Kalam, A., Goi, C.L. and Tiong, Y.Y. (2024), The effects of celebrity endorser on consumer advocacy behavior through the customization and entertainment intention – A multivariate analysis, Young Consumers, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 1-35.
- Li, Z., Nashwan, S.A., Goi, C.L. and Ling, Y.H. (2024), How does social media improve enterprise innovation performance? The mediating role of CEO narcissism, The Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol. 35, Iss. 1, 100497.
- Chieng, F., Goi, C.L., Ho, J.M. and Yip, K.Y. (2024), Beyond the academic curriculum: embedding a career management program to improve the employability of business students, Education + Training, Vol. 66 No. 4, pp. 379-394.
- Kalam, A., Goi, C.L. and Tiong, Y.Y. (2024), Celebrity endorsers and social media influencers for leveraging consumer advocacy and relationship intentions- a multivariate mediation analysis, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 42 No. 1, pp. 84-119.
- Dastane, O. and Goi, C.L. (2024), Scale Development Procedures in the Context of Online Consumers: Key Recommendations. Business Perspectives and Research, Vol. 12, Iss. 3, pp. 419-443.
- Ting, Q.H., Lew, T.Y., Goi, C.L., Sim, A.K.S. and Gim, G.C.W. (2024), Psychological capital and employee engagement as predictors of organisational citizenship behaviour in the industrial revolution 4.0 era: transfer of training as a mediator, Current Psychology, Vol. 43, pp. 5219–5242.
- Kalam, A., Goi, C.L. and Tiong, Y.Y. (2023) Student motivations for social media use and their effects on academic performance- a meditational approach in emerging, market, Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 313-334.
- Dastane, O., Goi, C.L. and Rabbanee, F. (2023), The development and validation of a scale to measure perceived value of mobile commerce (MVAL-SCALE), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 71, 103222.
- Goi, C.L., Chieng, F.Y.L. and Goi, M.T. (2023), Avoidance of similarity and brand attachment of Generation X in sportswear brand loyalty: The roles of self-congruity, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, Vol. 33, Iss.1, pp. 133-153.
- Goi, C.L. (2023), Gamification in business education: Visualizing bibliometric networks analysis, Journal of Education for Business, Vol. 98, Iss. 5, pp. 229-241.
- Suo W.J., Goi, C.L., Goi, M.T., and Sim, A. (2022), Factors Influencing Behavioural Intention to Adopt the QR-Code Payment: Extending UTAUT2 Model, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), Vol. 13, Iss. 2, pp.1-22.
- Aslam, W., Goi, C.L. and Arif, I. (2022), Smartphone usage of university students and academic performance: An empirical analysis, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 20, Iss. 4, pp. 440-461.
- Aslam, W., Farhat, K., Arif, I. and Goi, C.L. (2022), What Matters Most In Achieving Customer Satisfaction In Banking? A Study from the Perspective of Employee Characteristics, The TQM Journal, The TQM Journal, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 627-650.
- Goi, C.L. (2021), The dark side of customer analytics: the ethics of retailing, Asia Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 10, Iss. 2, pp. 411-423.
- Farah Sarah, Goi, C.L., Chieng, F.Y.L. and Md Raziuddin Taufique, K. (2020), Examining the influence of atmospheric cues on online impulse buying behavior across product categories: Insights from an emerging e-market, Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 20, Iss. 1, pp. 25 – 45.
- Dastane, O., Goi, C.L. and Rabbanee, F. (2020), A Synthesis of Constructs for Modelling Consumers’ Perception of Value from Mobile-Commerce (M-VAL), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 55, 102074.
- Goi, C.L.(2020), The river water quality before and during the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Vol.2, 100027.
- Goi, C.L.(2019), The Use of Business Simulation Games in Teaching and Learning, Journal of Education for Business, Vol. 94, Iss. 5, pp. 342-349.
- Ang, M.C.H., Ramayah, T., Goi, C.L. and Endut, N. (2018), Work-Life Balance in Higher Education: Are Work Intensification and Emotional Labor Potential Job Stressors?, Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies, Vol. 4, Iss. 2, pp. 168-179.
- Goi, C.L.(2017), The Impact of Technological Innovation on Building a Sustainable City, International Journal of Quality Innovation, Article 6.
- Goi, C.L. (2016), M-Commerce: Perception of Consumers in Malaysia, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 21, Iss. 1.
- Goi, C.L.(2015), The Impact of Personality on Generation Y Buying Behaviour: Perception of Females on Fashion, International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 6 – 9.
- Goi, M.T., Goi, C.L.and Wong, D. (2014), Constructing A Brand Identity Scale for Higher Education Institutions, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Vol. 24, Iss. 1, pp. 59-74.
- Goi, C.L.and Ng, P.Y. (2011), Perception of Young Consumers on Mobile Phone Applications in Malaysia, World Applied Sciences Journal, Vo. 15, Iss. 1, pp. 47-55.
- Chieng, F.Y.L. and Goi, C.L.(2011), Customer-Based Brand Equity: A Literature Review, Journal of Arts Science & Commerce, Vol. 2, Iss. 1, pp. 33 – 42.
- Goi, C.L.(2010), Web Site Accessibility and Web Site Development in Malaysia, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 23.
- Goi, C.L.and Lau, C.S.H. (2010), Graduates Employment: Valuable of Curtin University of Technology Sarawak Graduates, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 127 – 132.
- Goi, C.L.and Goi, M.T. (2009), Rebranding of Higher Educational Institutions in Malaysia, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4, No. 9.
- Goi, C.L.(2009), Perception of Internet Users and Marketers on Internet Marketing Activities: Malaysia Perspective, International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 181-199.
- Goi, C.L.(2009), Cyberculture: Impacts on Netizen, Asian Culture and History, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 140-143.
- Goi, C.L.and Yong, K.H. (2009), Contribution of Public Relations (PR) to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A Review on Malaysia Perspective, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 46-49.
- Goi, C.L. (2009), A Review of Marketing Mix: 4Ps or More?, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.2-15.
- Goi, C.L.(2008), Review on the Implementation of Mobile Commerce in Malaysia, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 13, No. 2.
- Goi, C.L.and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2008), An Attractiveness of Sarawak as Ecotourism Destination: An Overview of Natural-Based Market Segment, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 7.
- Goi, C.L.(2008), A Review of Development and Adoption of Internet and ICT in Malaysia, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 13, No. 1.
- Goi, C.L.and Ng, P.Y. (2008), E-Learning in Malaysia: Success Factors in Implementing E-Learning Program, International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 237-246.
- Goi, C.L., Khatibi, A., Ab. Yajid, M.S. and Manshor, A.T. (2007), Acceptance and Perception on Internet: A Comparative Study of Internet Users in Malaysia and Singapore, Journal of Management & Science, Vol. 5, No. 1.
- Goi, C.L.(2007), Web Site Accessibility: A Study of 8 Industries’ Web Sites, Global Review of Business and Economic Research, Vol. 3, No.2, pp. 129-142.
- Goi, C.L.(2007), Correlation between Internet and ICT, Web Site Development, and Internet Marketing: Perception of Marketers in Malaysia and Singapore, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 12, No.2.
- Goi, C.L.(2007), A Review of Existing Web site Models for E-Commerce, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 12, No. 1.
- Goi, C.L.(2006), Factors Influence Development of E-Banking in Malaysia, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 11, No. 2.
- Goi, C.L.(2005), E-Banking in Malaysia: Opportunity and Challenges, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 10, No. 3.
- Goi, C.L.(2005), Marketing Mix: A Review of ‘P’, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, Vol. 10, No. 2.
Books/ Book Chapters
- Garcia, M.B., Goi, C.L., Shively, K., Maher, D., Rosak-Szyrocka, J., Happonen, A. and Damaševičius, R. (2025), Understanding Student Engagement in AI-Powered Online Learning Platforms: A Narrative Review of Key Theories and Models, In Gierhart, A.R. (ed), Cases on Enhancing P-16 Student Engagement With Digital Technologies, IGI Global, pp. 1-30.
- Goi, C.L. (2024), The Impact of VR-Based Learning on Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education, In Goi, C.L., Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future: Innovative Strategies and Best Practices, IGI Global, pp. 207-223.
- Goi, C.L. (2023), Digital Transformation: A Catalyst for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Malaysia, In Ordóñez de Pablos, P., Almunawar, M.N. and Anshari, M. (eds), Perspectives on the Transition Toward Green and Climate Neutral Economies in Asia, pp. 18-29.
- Goi, C.L. (2022), Low carbon cities: Sustainable urban development in Malaysia, In Goi, C.L. (Ed), Innovative Economic, Social, and Environmental Practices for Progressing Future Sustainability, IGI Global, pp. 167-180.
- Goi, C.L. (2021), Transforming to a Sustainable City Through Technological Change, In Ordóñez de Pablos, P., Zhang, X. and Almunawar, M.N. (eds), Handbook of Research on Disruptive Innovation and Digital Transformation in Asia, pp. 523-541.
- Goi, C.L. (2021), Business Simulation Games: A Direction in the New Era of Teaching and Learning, In Ordóñez de Pablos, P., Almunawar, M.N., Kwok, T.C. and Kaliannan, M. (eds), Handbook of Research on Analyzing IT Opportunities for Inclusive Digital Learning, IGI Global, pp. 65 – 76.
- Goi, C.L. (2020), The Use of Big Data in Marketing Analytics, In Almunawar, M.N., Anshari, M. and Lim, S.A. (eds), Handbook of Research on Innovation and Development of E-Commerce and E-Business in ASEAN, IGI Global, pp. 62 – 78.
- Goi, C.L. (2009), A Review of Development and Adoption of Internet and ICT in Malaysia, In Pain, A.K. and Majumdar, S. (Eds), ICT for Development: Prospects and Problems, The Icfai University Press, pp. 193 – 201.
Conference Proceedings / Presentations
- Goi, C.L. (2024), Transforming Teaching and Learning: The Power of Gamification in Shaping Graduate Capabilities for the Future, International conference on Education, Humanities and Social Science (ICOEHSS-24), Kuala Lumpur, 24-25 December 2024.
- Goi, C.L. (2024), Play to Learn: Gamified Approaches in Higher Education for Fostering Graduate Capabilities, 2024 International Conference on Higher Education Learning and Teaching (ICHELT), Curtin University Malaysia, 3-4 October 2024.
- Goi, C.L. (2024), Malaysia’s Green Leap: Transforming Energy Policies for a Sustainable Future, International Conference of Energy Transition and Exhibition 2024, Curtin University Malaysia, 5-7 September 2024.
- Chang, C.H. and Goi, C.L. (2024), Exploring the Influence of Digital Storytelling on Tourists’ Intentions to Visit Cultural Heritage Sites, 2nd International conference on “Embracing Diversity in Social Sciences and Humanities (EDSSH)”, Concorde Hotel Singapore, 1-2 June 2024.
- Lee, Q.Y., Goi, C.L., Zins, A., Adeyinka-Ojo, S., Adamu, A.A., Jimmie, A. and Sabani, N. (2024), Journeying Through Sarawak’s Heritage: Embracing Digital Storytelling in Destination Marketing, 47th EBES Conference, Berlin, Germany, 18-20 April 2024.
- Goi, C.L., Ngu, I.Y. and Chieng, F,Y.L. (2024), Navigating the Digital Landscape: Social Media’s Influence on Luxury Brand Equity and Purchase Intention, 46th EBES Conference, Rome, Italy, 10-12 January 2024.
- Goi, C.L. (2023), The Influence of Gamification on Student Collaboration and Interaction in Online Learning Environment: A Literature Review, Learning and Teaching Forum 2023, Curtin University Malaysia, 17 November 2023.
- Goi, C.L. (2023), Agriculture modernization in building sustainable cities, The International Conference on Sustainable Development, Rome, Italy, 6-7 September 2023.
- Goi, C.L. (2023), The use of Extended Reality (XR) in Education: To Implement or Not to Implement, Invited keynote speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Education, Information Management and Service Science, Qingdao, China, 21-23 July 2023.
- Goi, C.L. (2023), Emoji cultural Communication: Exploring the Impact of Emoji Usage on Intercultural Communication in the Era of Social Media, UNESCO Chair on Social Practices in Intercultural Communication & Social Cohesion, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 7-9 June 2023.
- Morshed, A.F., Goi, C.L., Adamu, A.A. (2022), The Antecedents of Facebook Brand Page Engagement in Public Relations, Curtin Global Campus Higher Degree by Research Colloquium (CGCHDRC) 2022, Curtin University, Malaysia, 12-13 December 2022.
- Kalam, A., Goi, C.L. and Tiong, Y.Y. (2022), Remodeling consumer brand choice behavior: the effects of social media influences and celebrity endorsement, Curtin Global Campus Higher Degree by Research Colloquium (CGCHDRC) 2022, Curtin University, Malaysia, 12-13 December 2022.
- Goi, C.L. and Goi, M.T. (2022), Research trend on Modernization concept in building sustainable cities, Second International GSN Conference, Curtin University, Australia, 24-25 November 2022.
- Lim, A. Goi, C.L., Dell, P. and Goi, M.T. (2022), Canadian Generation Y’s Behavioural Usage of Small Businesses’ Retail Websites: Gender Difference, Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK) Conference, Seville, Spain, 28-30 June 2022.
- Goi, C.L., Goi, M.T. and Tiong, Y.Y. (2022), Food Tourism: Veni, Vidi, Vici, The Conference on Managing Tourism Across Continents (MTCON 2022), Antalya, Turkey, 24-26 March 2022.
- Goi, C.L. (2021), Digital Sarawak: Prepare for the Future Digital Economy, 5th Academia-Industry Exchange IIBG Symposium 2021, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong, 3-4 December.
- Goi, C.L. (2021), Agribusiness Supply Chain Management System, ASEAN IVO Forum 2021 – ICT Virtual Organization of ASEAN Institutes and NICT, 18 November 2021, Online,
- Goi, C.L. (2021), Delivering a Borderless Communication Experience During the Pandemic: Review on Acceptance of Technology, International Cross-Cultural Communication Conference 2021, Organised by Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 23 September.
- Goi, C.L. (2020), Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0: Are We Moving at the Same Pace? ASEAN IVO Forum 2021 – ICT Virtual Organization of ASEAN Institutes and NICT, 25 November 2020 – 11 January 2021, Online.
- Goi, C.L. (2020), The Dark Side of Customer Analytics: The Ethics of Retailing, 4th Academia-Industry Exchange IIBG Symposium 2020, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong, 4 December.
- Goi, C.L. (2020), Gamification in Teaching and Learning, HERDSA WA Kindled Online 2020, Organised by Higher Education and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA) and Murdoch University, Australia, Online, 10 November 2020.
- Dastane, O., Goi, C.L. and Rabbanee, F. (2020), Scale Development Procedures in the Context of Online Consumers: Key Recommendations, NUBS International Conference (iCON) 2020, Kuala Lumpur, 9-10 January.
- Goi, C.L. (2019), The Wave of Industry Revolution 4.0 is Coming: Are We Ready for the New Trend in Marketing, International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Management (BREFM), Royal Plaza Hotel, Hong Kong, 4-6 June.
- Farah Hasan Sarah, Goi, C.L. and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2018). The Influence of Atmospheric Cues on Online Impulse Buying across Product Categories: The Mediating Role of Consumer Impulsiveness, One Curtin International Postgraduate Conference 2018, Curtin University, Malaysia, 26-28 November.
- Suo, W.J., Goi, C.L. and Sim, A. (2018), Factors affecting the adoption of QR code Mobile Payment in Sarawak, One Curtin International Postgraduate Conference 2018, Curtin University Malaysia, 26-28 November.
- Dastane, O., Goi, C.L., Rabbanee, F. (2018), E-Customer Perceived Value – Review and Conceptualization of its Dimensionality, One Curtin International Postgraduate Conference 2018, Curtin University, Malaysia, 26-28 November.
- Ang, M.C.H., Thurasamy, R., Goi, C.L. and Endut, N. (2018), Work Life Balance in Higher Education: Are Work Intensification and Emotional Lanor Potential Job Stressors?, 1st Global Conference on Multidisciplinary Academic Research (GCMAR-2018), Eastin Hotel Makkasan, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-6 May (Best Paper Award for Social Sciences).
- Goi, C.L. (2017), Cross border shopping: Analysis of Demographic Characteristics, International Conference on Business Management and Social Science, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, 20-21 December.
- Goi, C.L (2017), Perception of Students on the Lecturer Towards the Use of Business Simulation Games for Teaching and Learning, Teaching and Learning Forum 2017, Curtin University, 2-3 February.
- Goi, C.L. (2016), The Impact of Technological Change on Building a Sustainable City Pan-Pacific Conference XXXIII, 25 May, Miri, Sarawak.
- Goi, C.L., Ngu, I.Y. and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2015), The Relationship between Social Media and Brand Equity, International Conference on Management and Information Technology (ICMIT), Singapore, 20 December.
- Goi, C.L.(2015), The Use of Business Simulation Games in Teaching and Learning: A Literature Review, 3rd International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Conference 2015 (HETL 2015), Curtin University, Malaysia, 26-27 November.
- Kandala, B. and Goi, C.L.(2015), Networking Marketing, 12th Annual World Congress of the Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA), Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, 16-19 November.
- Goi, C.L., Ngu, I.Y. and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2015), Malaysian Brands or International Brands? What Does Gen Y Really Want?, 3rd Asian SME Conference and Meeting, Miri, Sarawak, 26-30 October.
- Ho, P.P.L., Goi, C.L., Lew, T.Y., Tang, F.E. and Ho, C. (2015), Stakeholder Response to Say No to Plastic Bags Campaign in Reducing Plastic Bag Use in Miri, Malaysia, Pan-Pacific Conference XXXII, Hanoi, Vietnam, 1-4 June.
- Goi, C.L.and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2014), Malaysia Boleh? Is Malaysian Brand Really Flying?, The Fifth International Conference on International Studies(ICIS2014), The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-2 December.
- Goi, C.L.and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2014), Factors Influencing Foreign Tourists to Shop in Miri, Sarawak, 7th Internal Conference on Contemporary Business & 14th Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management, Curtin University, Singapore, 15-17 October.
- Ngu, I.Y., Chieng, F.Y.L. and Goi C.L.(2014), The Impact of Social Media on Brand Equity: A case of luxury brand, 7th Internal Conference on Contemporary Business & 14th Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management, Curtin University, Singapore, 15-17 October.
- Chieng, F.Y.L and Goi, C.L.(2014), Managing Brand Equity in Higher Education, Management Education: Towards Achieving Global Standards and Recognition international symposium, Curtin University, Malaysia, 2-3 October.
- Tiew, F. and Goi, C.L.(2014), Three Days Two Nights: Mulu Trip That Has Influenced Mood, Emotion And Feeling, Management Education: Towards Achieving Global Standards and Recognition international symposium, Curtin University, Malaysia, 2-3 October.
- Goi, C.L.(2014), Smile: Where Social Media And E-Learning Collide, Management Education: Towards Achieving Global Standards and Recognition international symposium, Curtin University, Malaysia, 2-3 October.
- Goi, C.L.(2012), Implications for Business from Adopting E-Commerce: A Comparative Study between Malaysia and Singapore, The Eighth Asia Academy of Management Conference, Seoul, Korea, 10-12 December.
- Ho, P.P.L. and Goi, C.L.(2012), Enhancing Corporate Governance Structure for Greater Voluntary Disclosures: Malaysian Evidence, The 13th Annual Conference of the Asian Academic Accounting Association (AAAA), Kyoto, 9-12 November.
- Chieng, F.Y.L. and Goi, C.L.(2012), The Measurement and Dimensionality of Customer-based Brand Equity: Empirical Evidence from Malaysian Brands, 2012 Global Marketing Conference, COEX, Seoul, 19-22 July.
- Chieng, F.Y.L., Ho, P.P.L., Goi, C.L.and Ng, P.Y. (2012), The Influence of Macro-Environment Forces on Transport Sustainability, East Asian Development Network – Annual Forum, Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila, Philippines, 2-3 July.
- Goi, C.L., Lai, D.I.S., Chong, A.X.Y., Lee, M.V. and Lee, B. (2012), Men’s Purchasing Decision on Grooming Products: A Comparative Study on Customers’ Status, 9th Annual World Congress of the Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA), Ajman University of Science & Technology (AUST), UAE, 19-21 March.
- Goi, C.L. (2012), The Impact of Colours on Online Marketing Communications, ICBEFM 2012: International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Management, Kuala Lumpur, 19 – 21 February.
- Tiew, F. and Goi, C.L.(2011), Grading classroom participation through peer assessment: perception and experience of marketing students, Enhancing Learning: Teaching and Learning Conference 2011, Curtin Malaysia, 24 – 26 November.
- Goi, C.L. and Ng, P.Y. (2011), Satisfactory Level on Mobile Applications in Malaysia: A Comparative Study between Maxis, Celcom and Digi, International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM 2011), Kuala Lumpur, 12-15 July.
- Goi, C.L.(2011), Perception of Marketers on Internet Marketing in Malaysia: Study on Relationship between Communication, Transaction and Distribution Activities, BAI 2011 International Conference on Business and Information, Bangkok, 4-6 July.
- Goi, C.L.and Chieng, F.Y.L. (2011), Customer-Based Brand Equity towards Local Brand: Study on Malaysian Perspective, The International Business Information Management Conference (16th IBIMA), Kuala Lumpur, 29-30 June.
- Goi, C.L.and Goi, M.T. (2011), Review on Models and Reasons of Rebranding, International Conference on Social Science and Humanity – ICSSH 2011, Singapore, 26-28 February.
- Goi, C.L.(2010), The Impact of Web Site Attributes on Internet Users’ Online Behaviour: Malaysian Perspective, International Conference on E-Business, Management and Economics 2010 (ICEME 2010), Hong Kong, 28-30 December.
- Ng, P.Y., Voges, K. and Goi, C.L.(2010), The Importance of Mobile Phone Applications to Young Consumers: An exploratory study in Malaysia, Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand, 29 November – 1 December.
- Goi, C.L.(2010), Perception of Consumer on Marketing Mix: Male vs. Female, International Conference, on Business and Economics Research 2010 (ICBER 2010), Kuala Lumpur, 26-28 November.
- Goi, C.L.(2010), Web Site Development for E-Commerce: Malaysia Perspective, The 2010 (summer) International Conference on APBITM, Beijing, China, 25-27 July.
- Goi, C.L.(2010), Online Behaviour: An Overview of Sarawak, Borneo Research Council Conference 2010, Curtin University, Sarawak, Malaysia, 5-7 July.
- Goi, C.L.(2010), Web Sites for E-Banking: A Study of Web Sites Performance in Malaysia, International Academy of Business and Economics (IABE), Bangkok, Thailand, 4-6 June.
- Tiew, N.H., Ng, P.Y. and Goi, C.L.(2009), University Student Travel Motives: A Comparative Study on Students of Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak, Malaysia, The 3rd International Colloquium on Tourism and Leisure, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-9 July.
- Goi, C.L.(2009), Integrated Marketing Communications: Perception of Young Consumers, BAI2009 International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-8 July.
- Ling, Y.H and Goi, C.L.(2009), A Study of Risk and Return Relationship Using GARCH-M Model: A Comparative Study Between S&P 500 and S&P 600, BAI2009 International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 6-8 July.
- Goi, C.L.(2008), Perception of Internet Users and Marketers on Internet Marketing Activities: Malaysia Perspective, Global Academy of Business and Economic Research (GABER) Fourth International Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 28-30 December.
- Ng, P.Y., Goi, C.L.and Gribble, J. (2008), Adaptation of Google Group for Online Teaching and Learning, HERDSA, Rotorua, New Zealand, 1-4 July.
- Goi, C.L.and Nee, P.H. (2008), Alarming Credit Card Debts and Bankruptcies Among The Young, Malaysia Finance Association (MFA) 10th Annual Conference 2008, MFA & UNIMAS, Holiday Inn, Kuching, Sarawak, 5-6 June.
- Goi, C.L.(2008), Marketing Mix: How Many ‘P’ Should be Available in the Market?, Creating Competitive Advantage in The Global Economy, International Conference on Business & Management, University Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam, 8-9 January.
- Goi, C.L.(2007), Web Site Accessibility: A Study of 8 Industries’ Web Sites, Global Academy of Business and Economic Research (GABER), Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 December.
- Hii, L., Goi, C.L.and Beatrice, J. (2007), The Survival of Pua Kumbu in the Cottage Industry in Sarawak: A Tourism Marketing Perspective, Global Academy of Business and Economic Research (GABER), Bangkok, Thailand, 27-29 December.
- Goi, C.L.(2007), Why Are Reality TV Programs So Popular?: Entrepreneur Creative Marketing Idea, International Research Conference on Entrepreneurship, Mumbai, India, 25-26 November.
- Goi, C.L.(2007), Perception of Internet Users on Internet Marketing: In Terms of Communication, Distribution and Transaction Activities, Asia Pacific Marketing Conference 2007, Holiday Inn Resort Damai Beach, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 2-3 November.
- Goi, C.L.and Khatibi, A. (2007), Acceptance and Perception of Internet – A Comparative Study of Internet Users in Malaysia and Singapore, International Conference on Global Business Strategy in Competitive Environment, Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, Sai Leo Nagar, West Tambaram, Chennai, India, 21-22 September.
- Tiew, F.N.H., Ng, P.Y. and Goi, C.L.(2007), University Student Travel Preferences: An Exploratory Study on Students of Curtin University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, 5th Tourism Educators’ Conference on Tourism & Hospitality, Universiti Sains Malaysia & The Tourism Educators’ Association of Malaysia (TEAM), 3-4 August.
- Ng, P.Y. and Goi, C.L.(2007), E-Learning in Malaysia for lifelong learning: Motivations and Hindrances, Changing Contours of Education: Future Trends, 12th International Conference on Education, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, University Brunei Darussalam, 21-24 May.
Industry/ Contract Research Reports
- Study on Remuneration Packages of Indonesian General Workers and recruitment costs of employers in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, 2011, Research grant awarded by Sarawak Timber Association (STA).
Research Awards
- 4 Curtin University R&D Awards 2010: (1) Highest Research Performance Index for Curtin Sarawak; (2) Highest Research Performance Index (Publications) for Curtin Sarawak; (3) Early Career Researcher – Highest Research Performance Index for Curtin Sarawak; and (4) Early Career Researcher – Highest Research Performance Index (Publications) for Curtin Sarawak.
- Anak Sarawak Appreciation Award 2009, Sarawak Convention Bureau.
- Curtin University R&D Awards 2008: Highest RPI Point Earner for Publications at Curtin Sarawak.
Supervision of Higher Degree by Research Student
- PhD
- Bilal Aslam, Machine Learning for Capital Market Research and Portfolio Optimization. [Main Supervisor], 2021 – 2024.
- Ahmed Fahim Morshed, The Antecedents and Consequences of Facebook Brand Page Engagement in Public Relations. [Main Supervisor], 2020 – Present.
- Mary Monica Jiony, Examining the relationship between Organizational culture, employee engagement and organizational performance. [Main Supervisor], 2017 – 2024.
- Abul Kalam, The Effectiveness of Social Media Influences and Celebrity Endorser on the Smartphone Users’ Brand Choice Behavior. [Main Supervisor], 2020 – 2023.
- Daria Gom, Transformational Leadership as Antecedent of Cross-Cultural Psychological Capital in the Hotel Industry. [Main Supervisor], 2017 – 2022.
- Omkar Dastane, Role of Perceived Value from Mobile Commerce (M-VAL) on Consumer Engagement and Repurchase Intention – Scale Development and Validation in the Context of Malaysian Travel Industry. [Main Supervisor], 2017 – 2021.
- Allen Lim, Research title: Generation Y Usage of Small Businesses’ Retail Websites in Canada. [Main Supervisor], 2012 – 2018.
- MPhil
- Chang Chee Heng, Exploring the Influence of Digital Cultural Heritage Storytelling and Net Zero Commitment on Travel Intention to Sarawak Tourism Destination. [Main Supervisor], 2023 – Present.
- Lee Qin Yi, Digital Storytelling and Cultural Heritage in Sarawak Destination Marketing. Main Supervisor], 2023 – Present.
- Ting Qian Hui, The Role of Psychological Capital and Employee Engagement in Determining Organisational Citizenship Behaviour in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era: Transfer of Training as a Mediator. [Main Supervisor], 2019 – 2020.
- Farah Hasan Sarah, The Influence of Atmospheric Cues on Online Impulse Buying across Product Categories: The Mediating Role of Consumer Impulsiveness. [Main supervisor]. 2018 – 2020.
- Suo Wen Jing, Factors Influencing Behavioural Intention to Adopt the QR Code. [Main Supervisor], 2018 – 2019.
Journal/ Book Editors
- Associate Editor, Review of Marketing Science, ISSN: 1546-5616
- Editor of book: Goi, C.L. (2024), “Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future: Innovative Strategies and Best Practices“, ISBN13: 9781668498590, published by IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9859-0.
- Editor of book: Goi, C.L. (2022), “Innovative Economic, Social, and Environmental Practices for Progressing Future Sustainability“, ISBN13: 9781799895909, published by IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9590-9.
Reviewer of Academic Journals
- Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
- Behaviour & Information Technology
- Current Issues in Tourism
- Computers & Education
- Studies in Higher Education
- PERTANIKA Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities
- Journal of Business Economics and Management
- Journal of Political Marketing
Faculty Committee Membership
- Marketing and Website Committee
- Research and Development Committee
Research Cluster Membership
- Keylab member of Social Business & Innovation, Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC)
- Chair of the Marketing Analytics and Digital Innovation Research Cluster, Faculty of Business