Terms of Reference (ToR)
Within the Faculty of Business, the L&T Committee is responsible for the student experience, learning and teaching and quality assurance of all programs offered by the Faculty.
Terms of Reference
The L&T Committee is responsible for the following:
- Implement, monitor and review plans and policies to support University’s learning, teaching, training and assessment strategies.
- Foster the quality of learning and teaching and student learning experience
- Provide advice to the Dean/HODs on academic matters related to the operation, management and review of the department’s programs.
- Monitor policies compliance and quality assurance processes in learning and teaching
- Provide advice regarding matters impacting student learning, including student study plans, at-risk students and student transitions to university
- Coordinate activities on scholarship in learning and teaching and promote opportunities in the scholarship of Learning and Teaching through mentoring, workshops and pedagogical research
The L&T Committee membership shall comprise:
- Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching (Chair)
- Faculty Dean (ex officio)
- Discipline Leads
- Student Experience Coordinator
- Other members of the Faculty
- Secretary, Faculty’s Administrative Assistant
Duration of membership shall be for one year.
The LTC shall meet TWO times a year. Additional meetings may be scheduled on a need.